This statistical program is intended to cover the major income support measures offered to Canadians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. These direct support programs include the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) and the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB).To provide context to the receipt of benefits, in addition to basic characteristics of benefit recipients, such as age, gender and location of residence, additional characteristics are obtained though integration with other statistical data held by Statistics Canada. Information on employment income bracket in the previous year as well as main industry of activity and size of employer are available as well as other limited information from the 2016 Census long form providing several characteristics as measured in 2016 and immigration period and immigrants from administrative data.


The use of administrative data coming from outside Statistics Canada can limit the level of quality control over the data. Comparisons between the received files to those from previous months are applied to detect and correct possible anomalies. In addition, estimates are revised in light of updated files sent by data providers. Finally, structural changes done to the files could impact the data, and/or delay production and data release.


During processing, the data on paid benefits go through a series of edits prior to linkage to ensure that there are no duplicate records and that no data mandatory for matching is missing. Duplicate records may have existed for situations where individuals may have been repaid a second for various reasons. For example, program eligibility criteria may not have been made clear to the public at the inception of benefits program. There may confusion on agency at which to apply, while reports of identity theft also exist.Those with outliers are identified then examined and those identified as erroneous are corrected manually. Variables where negative values should not be possible are also checked and adjusted as needed.

This white finish Invita® WiFi Thermostat makes upgrading easy by using the existing 2 wires from any living space to connect to an HVAC Interface Module in the mechanical room. It works with most types of heating and cooling systems including conventional, heat pump and dual fuel while offering fan, relative humidity and ventilation control. The Watts® Home app provides secure WiFi adjustment, remote temperature control and can send email notifications when there are problems with the HVAC system. The Invita WiFi offers a choice of five display screen color themes.

The Smart Boiler Control 294 provides central and indirect domestic hot water heating or volume domestic hot water heating by operating up to four boilers. This can be expanded in groups of four boilers through the use of expansion controls up to a maximum of sixteen boilers. The 294 operates both condensing and non-condensing boilers that are either modulating, single, two, three or four-stage to provide a flexible, cost effective hybrid boiler plant solution. The Watts® OnSite web and mobile applications provide real-time remote monitoring, setting adjustments, and notifications.

The data brings together information from the Canada Emergency Benefits (CEB) and other administrative files to provide a base population among which we can compute take-up rates. This includes variables presenting the earnings bracket based on the T4 (paid employment income) and T1 (for self-employment income) from 2019 administrative files received from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).Variables for the NAICS industry code for employees and employer size class are based on the Business registry and T1 declaration files of the CRA. The age, sex, disability status, marital status, presence of children and geographic location are also based on the CRA's T1 records of Individual Identity.A second integration brings some information from the 2016 Census long form. This data source only covered the people living in private households in 2016 and thus has some limitation in terms of the coverage, those variables would only be available for persons present and in scope in 2016.

These data intend to cover all persons who were awarded a benefit under the five income support programs as well as the Canadian population who had some form of employment income in 2019.

Understanding the data behind these income support transfers during the pandemic can tell us a great deal on the users of the benefit programs, their income level and industry of work as well as how frequently different population groups have had access to the emergency programs. They can also speak to the impact that these benefits have on the recipient's personal and family income, and their overall financial vulnerability. This program will also allow for the assessment of whether the benefits from these programs are replacing lost earnings and income sources, and potentially identify population groups who may be in need of assistance. This information is necessary to answer Canadians' questions about who has been receiving CERB and other income supports, and how much the recovery benefit amounts have offset income losses from other sources. It will also help to inform decisions on how long to maintain these programs and if there is a requirement for other government benefit programs.

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Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

The Zone Valve Control 306V connects up to six thermostats and operates zone valves to provide heating to a zoned hydronic heating system. The 306V operates a system pump whenever a zone valve opens. Zone 1 can operate either a zone valve or a circulator to provide heat to an indirect domestic hot water tank with optional priority over zones 2 through 6. The 306V includes optional exercising to prevent circulator seizure when not in use, and optional post purge operation of the domestic hot water tank to maximize energy savings. The 306V provides a RoomResponse™ signal to modulating-condensing boilers to optimize comfort while improving boiler efficiency.

Since estimates are based on administrative data, there is no sampling variability. However, changes in the data do not reflect only changes in the labour market or pandemic conditions. These statistics may have been affected by changes to the CERB program or administrative procedures.EI statistics indicate the number of people who received CERB benefits, and should not be confused with data coming from Employment Insurance statistics.

Once the data are finalized, they are not revised. For analyses, data are sometimes adjusted to constant dollars for comparison with data from other years, but only current dollars are kept on the file.

The WiFi Snow Melting Control 670 operates hydronic and electric heating equipment designed to melt snow and/or ice from roads and walkway surfaces. The control works with the tekmar Snow/Ice Sensor 090 or Snow Sensor 095 to automatically detect snow or ice and operates a single boiler, steam valve, or electric cable to supply heat to the slab. Boiler return protection is provided to non-condensing boilers using a mixing valve or variable speed injection mixing pump. When connected to the Internet, the Watts® Home mobile app allows the 670 to be controlled remotely.


The WiFi Thermostat 561 provides precise temperature control of a one-stage heating system. When connected to the Internet, the Watts® Home mobile app allows the thermostat to be controlled remotely. A 7-day, 4-event programmable schedule is available and the early start feature automatically learns to heat up the room by the scheduled time. An Away mode is quickly and easily accessed to provide energy savings when the space is unoccupied. The thermostat supports radiant floor heating and optional floor sensors can be installed to enhance comfort and protect floor coverings.