As from 1 January 2013, circulators must comply with European regulation 641/2009.[1][2] This regulation is part of the ecodesign policy of the European Union.


A circulator pump or circulating pump is a specific type of pump used to circulate gases, liquids, or slurries in a closed circuit with small elevation changes. They are commonly found circulating water in a hydronic heating or cooling system. They are specialized in providing a large flow rate rather than providing much head, as they are supposed to only overcome the friction of a piping system, as opposed to a regular centrifugal pump which may need to lift a fluid significantly.

Once the data are finalized, they are not revised. For analyses, data are sometimes adjusted to constant dollars for comparison with data from other years, but only current dollars are kept on the file.

The following parameters are characteristic for the circulating pumps: capacity Q, pump pressure ∆p (delivery head ∆H), energy consumption P with pump unit efficiency η, impeller rotational speed n, NPSH and sound level L. In practice, the graphical relationship between the values Q, ∆ p(∆H), P and η is used. These are called the pump curves. They are determined by studies, whose methodology is standardized. These curves are specified when water is pumped with a density of 1000 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity of 1 mm2/s. When the circulating pump is used for liquids of different density and viscosity, the pump curves have to be recalculated. These curves are provided in catalogues and in operation and maintenance manuals, however their stroke is the subject of pump manufacturers warranty.

Technological advancements within the industry allow for incorporating timers to limit the operations during specific hours of the day to reduce energy waste by only operating when occupants are likely to use hot water. Additional advancements in technology include pumps which cycle on and off to maintain hot water temperature versus a continuously operating pump which consumes more electrical energy. Reduced energy waste and discomfort is possible by preventing occurrences of hot water line siphoning in open-loop hot water circulation systems which utilize the cold water line to return water back to the water heater. Hot Water Line Siphoning occurs when water from within the hot water line siphons or is forced into the cold water line due to differences in water pressure between the hot and cold water lines. Utilizing "normally closed" solenoid valve significantly reduces energy consumption by preventing siphoning of non-hot water out of hot water lines during cold water use. Using cold water instantly lowers the water pressure in the cold water lines, the higher water pressure in the hot water lines force water through "normally open" thermostatic crossover valves and backflow check valves (which only prevent cold water from flowing into hot water line), increasing the energy demand on the water heater.

These data intend to cover all persons who were awarded a benefit under the five income support programs as well as the Canadian population who had some form of employment income in 2019.

While the majority of these pumps mount nearest to the hot water heater and have no adjustable temperature capabilities, a significant reduction in energy can be achieved by using a temperature adjustable thermostatically controlled circulation pump mounted at the last fixture on the loop. Thermostatically controlled circulation pumps allow owners to choose the desired temperature of hot water to be maintained within the hot water pipes since most homes do not require 120 °F (49 °C) degree water instantly out of their taps. Thermostatically controlled circulation pumps cycle on and off to maintain a user's chosen temperature and consume less energy than a continuously operating pump. By installing a thermostatically controlled pump just after the farthest fixture on the loop, cyclic pumping maintains ready hot water up to the last fixture on the loop instead of wasting energy heating the piping from the last fixture to the water heater. Installing a circulation pump at the farthest fixture on a hot water circulation loop is often not feasible due to limited available space, cosmetics, noise restrictions or lack of available power. Recent advancements in hot water circulation technology allow for benefiting from temperature controlled pumping without having to install the pump at the last fixture on the hot water loop. These advanced hot water circulation systems utilize a water contacting temperature probe strategically installed at the last fixture on the loop to minimize the energy wasted heating lengthy return pipes. Thermal insulation applied to the pipes helps mitigate this second loss and minimize the amount of water that must be pumped to keep hot water constantly available.

It is important to take note of the increased heat in the piping system, which in turn increases system pressure. Piping that is sensitive to the water condition (i.e., copper, and soft water) will be adversely affected by the continual flow.[citation needed] Although water is conserved, the parasitic heat loss through the piping will be greater as a result of the increased heat passing through it.

Since estimates are based on administrative data, there is no sampling variability. However, changes in the data do not reflect only changes in the labour market or pandemic conditions. These statistics may have been affected by changes to the CERB program or administrative procedures.EI statistics indicate the number of people who received CERB benefits, and should not be confused with data coming from Employment Insurance statistics.

Small- to medium-sized circulator pumps are usually supported entirely by the pipe flanges that join them to the rest of the hydronic plumbing. Large pumps are usually pad-mounted.

This statistical program is intended to cover the major income support measures offered to Canadians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. These direct support programs include the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) and the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB).To provide context to the receipt of benefits, in addition to basic characteristics of benefit recipients, such as age, gender and location of residence, additional characteristics are obtained though integration with other statistical data held by Statistics Canada. Information on employment income bracket in the previous year as well as main industry of activity and size of employer are available as well as other limited information from the 2016 Census long form providing several characteristics as measured in 2016 and immigration period and immigrants from administrative data.

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects that could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Pumps that are used solely for closed hydronic systems can be made with cast iron components as the water in the loop will either become de-oxygenated or be treated with chemicals to inhibit corrosion. But pumps that have a steady stream of oxygenated, potable water flowing through them must be made of more expensive materials such as bronze.

The traditional hot water recirculation system uses the existing cold water line as return line from the point of use located farthest from the hot water tank back to the hot water tank. The first of two system types has a pump mounted at the hot water heater while a "normally open" thermostatic control valve gets installed at the farthest fixture from the water heater and closes once hot water contacts the valve to control crossover flow between the hot and cold lines. A second type of system uses a thermostatically controlled pump which gets installed at the farthest fixture from the water heater. These thermostatically controlled pumps often have a built-in "normally closed" check-valve which prevents water in the cold water line from entering into the hot water line. Compared to a dedicated return line, using the cold water line as a return has the disadvantage of heating the cold water pipe (and the contained water). Accurate temperature monitoring and active flow control can minimize loss of cold water within the cold water line.

During processing, the data on paid benefits go through a series of edits prior to linkage to ensure that there are no duplicate records and that no data mandatory for matching is missing. Duplicate records may have existed for situations where individuals may have been repaid a second for various reasons. For example, program eligibility criteria may not have been made clear to the public at the inception of benefits program. There may confusion on agency at which to apply, while reports of identity theft also exist.Those with outliers are identified then examined and those identified as erroneous are corrected manually. Variables where negative values should not be possible are also checked and adjusted as needed.

Understanding the data behind these income support transfers during the pandemic can tell us a great deal on the users of the benefit programs, their income level and industry of work as well as how frequently different population groups have had access to the emergency programs. They can also speak to the impact that these benefits have on the recipient's personal and family income, and their overall financial vulnerability. This program will also allow for the assessment of whether the benefits from these programs are replacing lost earnings and income sources, and potentially identify population groups who may be in need of assistance. This information is necessary to answer Canadians' questions about who has been receiving CERB and other income supports, and how much the recovery benefit amounts have offset income losses from other sources. It will also help to inform decisions on how long to maintain these programs and if there is a requirement for other government benefit programs.

Circulating pumps are often used to circulate domestic hot water so that a faucet will provide hot water instantly upon demand, or (more conserving of energy) a short time after a user's request for hot water. In regions where water conservation issues are rising in importance with rapidly expanding and urbanizing populations local water authorities offer rebates to homeowners and builders that install a circulator pump to save water. In typical one-way plumbing without a circulation pump, water is simply piped from the water heater through the pipes to the tap. Once the tap is shut off, the water remaining in the pipes cools producing the familiar wait for hot water the next time the tap is opened. By adding a circulator pump and constantly circulating a small amount of hot water through the pipes from the heater to the farthest fixture and back to the heater, the water in the pipes is always hot, and no water is wasted during the wait. The tradeoff is the energy wasted in operating the pump and the additional demand on the water heater to make up for the heat lost from the constantly hot pipes.

The data brings together information from the Canada Emergency Benefits (CEB) and other administrative files to provide a base population among which we can compute take-up rates. This includes variables presenting the earnings bracket based on the T4 (paid employment income) and T1 (for self-employment income) from 2019 administrative files received from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).Variables for the NAICS industry code for employees and employer size class are based on the Business registry and T1 declaration files of the CRA. The age, sex, disability status, marital status, presence of children and geographic location are also based on the CRA's T1 records of Individual Identity.A second integration brings some information from the 2016 Census long form. This data source only covered the people living in private households in 2016 and thus has some limitation in terms of the coverage, those variables would only be available for persons present and in scope in 2016.

The use of administrative data coming from outside Statistics Canada can limit the level of quality control over the data. Comparisons between the received files to those from previous months are applied to detect and correct possible anomalies. In addition, estimates are revised in light of updated files sent by data providers. Finally, structural changes done to the files could impact the data, and/or delay production and data release.

Circulator pumps as used in hydronic systems are usually electrically powered centrifugal pumps. As used in homes, they are often small, sealed, and rated at a fraction of a horsepower, but in commercial applications they range in size up to many horsepower and the electric motor is usually separated from the pump body by some form of mechanical coupling. The sealed units used in home applications often have the motor rotor, pump impeller, and support bearings combined and sealed within the water circuit. This avoids one of the principal challenges faced by the larger, two-part pumps: maintaining a water-tight seal at the point where the pump drive shaft enters the pump body.

During the pump operation, there is a drop of the liquid flow in the center of the rotor, causing the inflow of the liquid through the suction port. In the event of an excessive pressure decrease, in some parts of the rotor, the pressure can be lower than the saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the pumped liquid, causing the so-called cavitation, i.e. liquid evaporation. To prevent this, the pressure in the suction port (at the inlet of the pump) should be higher than the saturation pressure corresponding to the liquid temperature by the net positive suction head (NPSH).