Cleaning with soft water takes less time. It is also easier to produce a good lather to remove dirt and stains without leaving stains compared to hard water, which is challenging to wash with and leaves mineral deposits on smooth surfaces.

Series LFU5B Water Pressure Reducing Valves are designed to reduce incoming water pressure to a sensible level to protect plumbing system components and reduce water consumption. The LFU5B features Lead-Free construction to comply with Lead-Free installation requirements. This series is suitable for water supply pressures up to 300psi (20.7 bar) and may be adjusted from 25 - 75psi (172 - 517 kPa). The standard setting is 50psi (345kPa). All parts are quickly and easily serviceable without removing the valve from the line. The LFU5B's standard bypass feature permits the flow of water back through the valve into the main when pressures, due to thermal expansion on the outlet side of the valve, exceed the pressure in the main supply.


Knowing what you get from a product before investing in it is always a good idea. You may ask yourself, “why do I need a water softener?” You may be baffled about the idea of using water softeners in your system at the moment. Hence, we listed reasons why you should consider trying them below.

Water softeners do not add anything to your water to make it softer. Instead, they use an ion exchange process to remove hardness in minerals, calcium, and magnesium, from the water supply and exchange them with sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Here is how it works:

When hard water enters your home, it does so through the main water pipe. From there, it travels to the water softener tank containing thousands of tiny resin beads. These beads are specially charged to attract and hold onto the hardness-causing minerals, calcium, and magnesium.

Has your skin been feeling dry and itchy after showering? Do your hair look lackluster? Perhaps your dishes are not as sparkly as they used to be, or your laundry is not as bright. Your water may be hard if you have noticed any of these things.

Due to magnesium and calcium ions, hard water and soap do not lather well. Using soft water for cleaning and doing laundry can help remove soil or dirt with less water and laundry detergent.

Water softening is an important process for many industries and homeowners. While there are different types of water softening systems on the market, choosing one that is best tailored to your specific needs is essential. Here are a few factors you need to weigh when choosing a water softener unit:

Salt-free water softeners use ion exchange to bind hard minerals to a resin bed. They are less harmful to the environment and do not require salt. They are becoming more popular with environmentally conscious consumers.


Hard water can clog your boiler with scum and scale that can cause damage. As a result, this can reduce the efficiency of your boiler by as much as 50%. Even a small deposit can cause a 12% loss in heat efficiency. The water softening process dissolves scale buildup and improves system efficiency.

The final factor to consider when choosing a water softening system for a commercial building is the type of business that will be using the system. A more powerful system may be necessary if the business uses a lot of water for cleaning or other purposes.

Water softeners are a great tool to get rid of water hardness. If you are looking to save money, increase your home’s efficiency, or improve your health, then a water softener may be the right solution for you. In addition, they are great for all types of plumbing, including single-family homes, condos, townhouses, apartments, hot tubs, and pools.

Alternatively, use an estimate if you do not have access to this data. According to USGS, the average individual consumes 80–100 gallons of water per day. Take this figure and multiply it by the number of family members in your household.

Once you know these two factors, you can choose a water softener that is the right size for your needs. And if you are unsure, always reach out to a professional for help

Fortunately, there is an effective and accessible solution: water softeners. This blog post will cover what you need to learn about water softeners, from how they work to why you might need one. Read on to learn more.

If you are considering making some energy efficiency upgrades to your home, you may ask, “how big of a water softener do I need?”. To know what size you need, consider these factors. Let us take a closer look at the following:

A dual-tank water softener system has a resin tank with sodium ions covered with resin beads that remove hard minerals from the water and a brine tank for rinsing the beads. High-demand households with a continuous supply of softened water can benefit from a dual-tank system.

Hard water’s minerals can remove hair’s natural oils, leaving it dry and frizzy. However, using a water softener removes these mineral ions for softer, shinier hair.


Hard water can potentially dry skin because of soap scum. Soap scum is created when soap reacts with hard water minerals. Fortunately, soft water helps soap lather and leaves no harsh residue.

A properly installed water softener can provide you with cleaner-rinsing water while reducing scale buildup and helping keep your plumbing and appliances running at their best.

Magnetic water conditioners use an electromagnetic coil to change the structure of calcium and magnesium ions, causing them to precipitate out of the water. This can help to reduce buildup in pipes and fixtures and make it easier to clean surfaces. Also, they are a lower-maintenance option and can be ideal for those looking for an eco-friendly option.

These systems use salt solutions to remove hard water minerals using ion exchange water softeners. The resulting chloride solution is released into the environment. These softeners are inexpensive but can add salt to your water supply. If you follow a sodium-restricted diet or are concerned about the environmental impact of adding chloride to the environment, consider another type of water softener.

The second factor to consider is daily consumption. This is how much water your household uses daily. The more people in your home, the higher your consumption will be. To calculate your daily consumption, look at your water bill from the last month and divide it by 30 days. Using this method, you can estimate your daily water consumption.

For homeowners, the most crucial factor to consider is the size of your home. Water softening systems are available in various sizes, so selecting one that can handle your household’s water usage is important.

For commercial buildings, the size of the facility is also an essential factor to remember when choosing a water-softening system. If the building uses mainly city water, the water softening system must have the capacity to handle the volume.

Hard water and soap do not mix well, making cleaning a challenging task. The mineral deposits in hard water can damage clothes and kitchenware, causing them to wear out faster. A water softener can remove minerals from your water, giving you softer water that mixes better with soap for a better clean.

A water’s hardness is measured in grains per gallon (GPG). The larger the number, the harder your water. You can have your water tested to find its hardness or check with your local municipality—they are required to keep records of the water quality in your area. Once you determine the hardness of your water, you can choose a softener that can handle it.

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As the hard water passes through the tank, the resin bead grabs onto the minerals and removes them from the water. This leaves behind softened water that is free of hardness minerals.

A water softener is an innovative filtration system that eliminates high calcium and magnesium levels resulting in hard water. The water softening system removes these mineral contents from the water, which then flows through the plumbing and leaves the softening system.

It is possible for hard water to damage appliances as well as their appearance. A water softener prevents limescale buildup and extends the life of machines.

Have you ever wondered how those little water-softener salt solutions magically transform hard water into something much more palatable? If you ask yourself what a water softener does, the answer is easier than you think.