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Tempering valvewater heater

The floor heating will automatically turn up and down throughout the day, guaranteeing you have warm floors when you need it and switching off to save power when not required.

Have you ever wondered what controls the temperature of your hot water? If your first guess is the thermostat – guess again. In this blog we’ll be answering some of the most frequently asked questions about Tempering Valves.

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Regulations surrounding tempering valves are clear. The Australian standard AS/NZ 3500.4 2018 and the associated AS4032.1 2005, outline the requirements for valves and when/where they are to be installed and operated. This covers location, set temperatures and valve specifications.

Electric underfloor heating is a straightforward, simple and cost-effective way of heating your home. With products designed to be installed under most floor coverings including under carpet and floating timber floors, the heating elements are easily installed to create a warm radiant heat that is comfortable and healthy.

Small electric bathrooms that turn on for a few hours in the morning and night are not expensive to heat while large areas that require on demand heating become pricier to operate. Once underfloor heating is required in large areas, 80m2+, hydronic underfloor becomes a good alternative.

Tempering valves generally come pre-set at 50 degrees. The temperature can be adjusted up or down however it is important to remember that current requirements mean adjusting to temperatures above 50 degrees isn’t allowed. If you’re wanting to lower the temperature of your hot water, contact our team of licensed plumbers and we’ll happily be able to assist.

Warm water is a breeding ground for bacteria like legionella. In order to combat these nasties and ensure your water is safe, storage hot water systems are required to heat water to over 60 degrees. This temperature is controlled by the thermostat at the tank. The water delivery temperature is controlled by the tempering valves and, excluding the kitchen and laundry, must not exceed 50 degrees.

Tempering valves are available for several different scenarios. The “standard” Tempering valve is has been designed for residential situations and fitting to electric and storage gas systems. With a blue, yellow or sometimes green cap.

Thermostatic mixing valvelocation

Underfloor heating is completely safe for small fingers – another major plus for parents. There’s no point of contact for kids with any of the active elements in this type of heating and no more worries about getting their fingers stuck in heaters!

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Thermostatic mixing valveregulations

That depends on the environment and the underfloor heating product you have installed. Typically, if you have thermal mass, for example slab heating, it is best to warm the slab when it is cheapest. If you have no thermal mass, the most efficient choice would be to program the underfloor heating to turn on and off when required via an in floor sensing, programmable thermostat.

It is also important that the correct type of tempering valve is fitted based on the application and hot water unit installed. A licenced plumber will be able to determine which valve is required in your particular circumstance.

Tempering valves mix hot and cold water to ensure a steady and safe temperature compliant to the Australian standard is delivered to the taps. This is usually in the range of 40 – 50 degrees Celsius depending upon the application. The use of tempering valves is important as operating hot water in this temperate range both protects people in the house from illness caused by bacteria, such as Legionnaires disease, as well as significantly reducing scalding risk.

Thermostatic Mixing ValvePrice

Sometimes these issues will result in the tempering valve needing to be replaced but in most cases the issues can be resolved, and hot water restored immediately.

Heating bathrooms with electric floor heating is simple and can be programmed with a digital thermostat. All you need do is switch on your heating at the beginning of winter and forget!

Hydronic underfloor heating is hot water circulating around pipes in the floor. Electric underfloor heating is an electric cable that heats up in the floor.

A licenced plumber can install and test your tempering valve and determine if its operating correctly or not, but some signs you may have an issue are, poor hot water temperature in bathrooms, complete loss of hot water or reduced hot water pressure. Typically, the lifespan of a tempering valve is around 5 years. If you think you may have an issue with your hot water, call our team of licenced hot water plumbers for assistance.

Tempering valvefor sink

These high performance tempering valves are adjustable between 40 degrees and 50 degrees and are designed primarily as safety devices. However, there is one model that is designed as a first stage tempering valve which is adjustable between 60 degrees and 77 degrees. These usually have a red cap and are best suited to commercial or industrial applications.

Thermostatic mixing valves and tempering valves are very similar to each other, with two significant differences. Accuracy and responsiveness to incoming temperature changes. Tempering valves are accurate to within about 3 degrees. While thermostatic mixing valves are accurate to 1 degree and will adjust the outgoing temperature much quicker as a result. The reason for this difference is the application for which the valve is used. Thermostatic mixing valves are required wherever high-risk persons will be using the hot water. Such as:

Waterproofing can be applied either before the screed cable is installed or on top of the sand and cement screed. The Comfort Heat in screed underfloor heating system is installed on a lightweight mesh that floats on top of the waterproofing, ensuring the membrane is not compromised.

Thermostatic valve

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Floor heating of this kind produces invisible and safe radiant heat that does not blow hot air around or create annoying hot and cold spots within a room. The whole area is heated, not just places near the heaters. Electric floor heating is gentle, ambient, and in bathrooms, one of your safest heating options.


Comfort Heat Australia offers a complete range of electric floor heating products. Electric floor heating is a simple and highly efficient heating solution for both small and large areas.

High performance tempering valves are designed for solar and heat pump hot water or for situations where long runs of pipework are installed. These valves have tighter tolerances and can deal with higher incoming temperatures. You’ll identify these by the orange caps they have fitted.

How does athermostatic mixing valvework

Whether it’s for your home, office or a commercial site application, there is a tempering valve to suit the situation. These are all available in sizes from 15mm – 25mm depending on the flow rate requirements you have. To find the right valve to suit your situation you need to first establish what type of hot water unit you have. Speaking with our team of qualified hot water plumbers will then allow us to guide you the rest of the way. We can install the correct valve and submit the relevant form 4 to QBCC.

Different underfloor heating products have different response times. Carpet foil mats will warm as quickly as 30 min, under tile heating typically takes around 60 mins where slab heating can take up to 48 hours to warm up.

This type of underfloor heating is friendly for your living space, too. Unlike most heating systems, underfloor heating takes up no space at all on your floor. This also makes it perfect for small rooms or apartments.

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Thermostatic mixing valveinstallation

In conclusion, tempering valves are essential safety devices that mix hot and cold water to deliver steady and safe hot water to your taps. If you’re unsure about your tempering valve or have any concerns about your hot water system, contact a licensed plumber for assistance.


We’ve got a brilliant team on the ground right now who’ll give you real, honest advice and a great price. And all our work is 100% guaranteed.

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The installation of tempering valves is not just a safety recommendation, they are mandatory for all new builds, bathroom renovations and when replacing a hot water unit and they are required to be set to a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

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Most manufacturers recommend that your tempering valve be replaced every 4 – 5 years and inspected/tested every year. These valves can and often do last a lot longer than that, however we would always recommend following the manufactures instructions. Maintenance on these valves is minimal. Regular testing of water temperature and cleaning of filters is the simplest way keeping your temping valve operating at its optimal level.

Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb, store and release heat over time. Materials like concrete, bricks and tiles absorb and store heat well. They are said to have high thermal mass. Materials like timber and carpet do not absorb and store heat and are said to have low thermal mass.

From time to time these valves will encounter problems. Some of the things our hot water plumbers come across regularly are.

*We kindly request three points of contact (email/phone) when booking a job Preferred Booking Window: *MorningAfternoon