What is RPZ Backflow Prevention? - reduced pressure zone backflow device
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Vacuum breakertoilet
Series LF288A Lead Free* Hot or Cold Water Anti-Siphon Vacuum Breakers prevent the reverse flow of polluted water from entering into the potable water supply due to backsiphonage. They have a Lead Free* brass body construction (LF288A) or chrome finish (LF288AC), chemical resistant silicone seat disc, and an atmospheric vent to prevent spilling. Series LF288A has a full size orifice to assure pipe size capacity and maximum flow. It is ideal for low flow, non-continuous hot or cold water health hazard installations such as on laboratory equipment. Maximum Pressure:125psi (8.6 bar).
For product-specific approval information, please refer to the product’s specification sheet (see literature section above) or ask a Watts representative. For general information regarding any approval certification partners identified in the specification sheet, please visit our certification partners’ websites: