Home water softeners, also called ion exchange units, are appliances that remove calcium, magnesium, and other minerals from drinking water. Resin beads inside the softener trap the calcium and magnesium and exchange them for sodium or potassium. Once the resin beads become full of calcium and magnesium, a highly-concentrated salt or potassium solution removes the calcium and magnesium from the beads. After passing through the beads, the resulting chloride solution becomes a waste stream that goes down the drain and ultimately into the environment.

Garage floor drain with catch basin

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There is no requirement to soften your water. The decision to soften is a personal choice that can affect your home and the environment. If your water’s hardness is greater than 7 grains per gallon or 120 mg/L, then you might need a water softener to ensure your appliances run well and to improve the taste, smell, or look of your water.

Floor trench


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To decide if you need a home water softener, learn about the hardness of your home’s water. You can measure the hardness of your water using a test kit or an independent laboratory. Search for labs at Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program. If you get your water from a community water system, you can contact them directly for information about your water’s hardness.

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The FS34H-V4 is a leak detection and automatic water shut-off system that's specifically meant for use with washing machines. Shop for one online today at ...

NDS trench Drain

It is used in water services to industrial plants, hospitals, morgues, mortuaries, and chemical plants and is also used in irrigation systems, boiler feed, ...


Water naturally has a variety of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Whether a water supply is considered “hard” or “soft” depends on how much of these minerals are in your water. Soft water contains lower levels of calcium and/or magnesium than hard water.

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Minnesota has a growing problem with chloride in water. Chloride in water threatens our fresh-water fish and other aquatic life. The chloride used in home water softeners can also affect the water used for drinking. It takes only one teaspoon of sodium chloride salt to permanently pollute five gallons of water. Once salt is in water, there is no easy way to remove it.

Pre-sloped trench drain

A water softener that uses sodium chloride (salt) increases the amount of sodium in the water you drink at home. Consider the following if you have a home softener:

DJI Agras T10 spray tank is a 10-liter tank that is compatible with the Agras T10 sprayer drone. To speed up the spraying process, it is recommended to have ...

In some communities, home water softeners drain to municipal wastewater treatment plants, which are not designed to remove chloride. The chloride passes through the treatment plant and ends up in our lakes and streams. In homes with private wells and home softeners, chloride drains to the home’s septic system and then ends up in lakes and streams.

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Do a quick conversion: 1 cubic feet/second = 448.831173401 gallons/minute using the online calculator for metric conversions.

Shop for Mixing Valves at Ferguson. Ferguson is the #1 US plumbing supply company and a top distributor of HVAC parts, waterworks supplies, ...

Ames compact, lightweight solutions are designed to meet the needs of fire protection and waterworks systems and are engineered to keep things flowing.


The calcium, iron, and magnesium removed by softening are not harmful and may be beneficial sources of essential elements needed by the body. Removing them from your water may mean you will have to get more of them from your diet.

The meaning of WWSD is: What Would Satan Do. Find more definitions for WWSD on Slang.org!

In addition, depending on the climate you live in, trap seals may evaporate rather quickly. If the trap is configured with a trap primer, it may be that the ...

Make sure you have your softener installed and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before adding any chemicals to the unit. Maintaining your softener will keep your water quality stable. This will help prevent issues with corrosion. In addition: