Expansion tank sizingcalculator

Expansion tanks are usually installed directly above the water heater in a vertical position; if space is limited, you can install it horizontally. A saddle fitting is typically included, so you can install the tank without using heat or special tools.

AMTROLexpansion tank Sizingpdf

Before you install an expansion tank, find one that’s the best size for your water heater and plumbing system. You may not need a plumber for the installation. A common size is 2 gallons. A ¾ threaded connection is needed to secure the tank and a tee fitting above the water heater will help secure it. To install the tank:

Expansion tank sizingChart

Traditional water heaters store water in a tank, but as it is heated, water expands. This can put extreme pressure on your plumbing system. An expansion tank holds excess water to relieve pressure and prevent damage to valves and plumbing fixtures. Here, we’ll look at how it works and how to install an expansion tank in your home.

Next, connect the tee-fitting’s top outlet to the cold-water supply pipe. Sometimes, this is accomplished using a copper flex line. Nonetheless, rigid pipes can be used where applicable. Connect hot-water pipes as well before turning the water heater back on. You can now open the water valves and test the system.

Need urgent help? Call Village Plumbing, Air & Electric for immediate assistance with your HVAC and plumbing needs. We're here for you today! Phone: (713) 526-1491

What sizeexpansion tankdo I need for a 40 gallonwater heater

Need urgent help? Call Village Plumbing, Air & Electric for immediate assistance with your HVAC and plumbing needs. We're here for you today! Phone: (713) 526-1491

Hydronicexpansion tank sizingcalculator


The expansion tank in a closed plumbing system provides space for water, which can increase in volume by 2% when heated from 50 to 120℉. There are two sections in the tank, divided by a rubber diaphragm. One section accepts water undergoing thermal expansion. The other is an air chamber that pressurizes as the diaphragm expands.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only; it is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. It does not constitute professional advice. All information is subject to change at any time without notice. Contact us for complete details.

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Expansion tank sizingrule of thumb

We are a Houston plumbing company that provides all types of hot water heater services and can assist if you aren’t sure how to install an expansion tank. Our team specializes in water heater repair and maintenance, including flushing sediment and performing routine inspections. To schedule service, call (713) 526-1491 today!

