PROZRTED Extremely Quiet Instant Hot Water Circulating Pump with Built-in Digital Timer and adjustable Thermostat Control Valve

Sistema de bomba de recirculação de água quente instantânea inteligente com controle de torneira PROZRTED HBS24-12Z para aquecedores de água sem tanque e super economia de energia

Cross-reference, "a reference in a book to another part of it," was coined in the 19th century. It's a way to add more information without going into wordy detail, similar to using a footnote or endnote in academic writing. If you look up "Amelia Earhart" in an index at the back of a book, you might see cross-references such as "See also: Earhart, Amelia" and "See also: aviators."



PROZRTED Smart Instant Hot Water Recirculating Pump System 3 speed with Bulit-in Thermostat HBS24-12A 145 PSI 24V DC 6.6 GPM

PROZRTED HBS24-12Z Faucet Control Smart Instant Hot Water Recirculating Pump System for Tanked, Tankless Water Heaters Super Energy Saving

Sistema de bomba de recirculação de água quente instantânea inteligente digital PROZRTED com temporizador de termostato embutido com ecrã digital HBS24-12T

When a book mentions something from a different part of the same book, that's a cross-reference. In a textbook, a cross-reference might look like this: "See page 123."


Sistema inteligente de bomba de recirculação de água quente instantânea PROZRTED de 3 velocidades com termostato embutido HBS24-12