Day one at #WEFTEC24 is off to a great start! 🌊 We're excited to showcase our innovative water technology solutions. From #Hydrotech Disc Filters for suspended solids removal and #AnoxKaldnes Cella innovation to our ZeeWeed 500 membranes for difficult-to-treat water sources, we have something to offer everyone. Stop by our Booth #2229 to learn more and see how we're making a difference in water treatment. Veolia Water Technologies - North America Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Did you know that choosing the right water treatment approach can have a profound impact on a mine's bottom line? Mobile water treatment technologies are revolutionizing the game! Discover more about how #mobilewatertreatment can help mining operations: #Mining #WaterTreatment #mobilewater #temporarywater

VeoliaWater Technologies& solutions

Veolia Water Technologies Canada lauréate pour le Prix Entreprise de l'année de l'AIMQ en 2024 ! Le prix a été remis lors de la dernière édition du congrès de l'Association des ingénieurs municipaux du Québec. Cette reconnaissance témoigne de l'engagement continu de Veolia envers l'excellence et l'innovation dans le domaine des services environnementaux au Québec. Elle souligne également la force de notre collaboration avec les municipalités et les ingénieurs municipaux de la province. Nous sommes honorés de contribuer aux efforts des municipalités pour le développement durable et de travailler main dans la main avec les professionnels dévoués de l'AIMQ. Un grand merci à l'AIMQ pour cette distinction. Valérie Lefebvre Denis Gariepy #AIMQ #DéveloppementDurable #InnovationEnvironnementale #PartenariatGagnant

Veolia north america

Reconnect with the Yukon’s water and wastewater community this fall! The 2024 Yukon Water & Wastewater Workshop & Trade Show hosted by BC Water & Waste Association (BCWWA) takes place in Whitehorse, Yukon, from Oct. 16-17. Meet with stakeholders and industry contacts connected to the Yukon, engage in education sessions and hands-on activities and expand your network. Stop by Veolia Water Technologies' booth and meet Marc Larivière and Jasmin T. Learn more at  #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #WaterTreatment

Last week experts from Veolia Water Technologies hosted a technical seminar in Montreal, Canada for customers in the #mining and critical minerals sector. During this master class, attendees gained valuable insights into a variety of topics including: ➡SOLUTIONS FOR BATTERY MATERIAL PROCESSING & RECYCLING: We explored solutions for the concentration, purification and crystallization of lithium and other critical battery minerals. In addition, we discussed methods for treating and recovering waste from battery manufacturing. ➡EMERGING & AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES: Attendees better learned about available mine water treatment technologies and when to use them. The discussed technologies included: biological wastewater systems, physical-chemical solutions, membranes, water treatment chemistry, mobile solutions and more. ➡ESG & ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS COMPLIANCE: Environmental regulations for mine water continue to become more and more stringent. Our experts discussed a variety of specialized water treatment solutions that treat wastewater and efficiently remove a wide range of contaminants in order to help comply with discharge requirements and stringent regulations. ➡COMPLEX MINE WATER ISSUES: Some highly toxic contaminants, such as cyanide, selenium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury and other elements, may be found in wastewater from certain mining operations. We explored a variety of complex mine water treatment issues and how to address them. #mining #minewater #batterymaterials #criticalminerals #ecologicaltransformation David Oliphant, Steve Michaluk, Nicolas Gay, Myriam De Ladurantaye-Noël, Marc Laliberte, David CAMPBELL, Jill Browning, Nadine Mourad


Let's give thanks to Canada's greatest provider: Mother Nature. 🍁Our forests, waters, and minerals don't just fuel our economy—they shape our identity. Let’s protect and preserve nature for generations to come and innovate to find more sustainable solutions.  #CanadianThanksgiving #SustainableBusiness #NaturalResources #InnovationForGood *************** 🍁A l’occasion de l’Action de Grâce, célébrons Mère Nature ! Nos forêts, eaux et minéraux ne font pas que stimuler notre économie - ils définissent notre identité. Préservons ce trésor pour l'avenir et innovons pour sa durabilité. #ActionDeGrâceCanadienne #DéveloppementDurable #Ressourcesnaturelles #InnovationVerte

EvoquaWater Technologies

We are excited to introduce #Cella at #Weftec24 today! Cella is a breakthrough technology that advances the biofilm principles of the moving bed biofilm reactor (#MBBR) technology by using high surface-area support material derived from renewable biomass, fostering robust biofilm growth. Cella can be implemented as a continuous, all-in-one process solution for achieving carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal with minimal or zero chemical consumption. The innovative process maximizes energy efficiency and recovery. Visit us at booth #2229 to learn more about this innovative new technology!

💧Get ready for #Weftec24 in New Orleans! Visit us at booth #2229 to connect. We are excited to invite you to our reception on Tuesday at the Veolia booth, where you can engage with our experts in a casual setting while having snacks, wine and beer.🍺 📅 Tuesday, October 8 at 4:00 p.m. Join us at booth #2229 for a casual chat and the chance to meet our global experts 🌎 #watertechnology #innovation Veolia Water Technologies Veolia Water Technologies - North America

Veolia Water Technologies helps cities and industries to manage, optimize and make the most of their resources. The company provides an array of solutions related to water – with a focus on waste recovery – to promote the transition toward a circular economy.

For #mining operations, effective water treatment is about more than meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining a social license to operate. Choosing the right approach to #water treatment can have a profound impact on a mine's business. One increasingly attractive option for mining companies is the deployment of mobile water treatment technologies. 👉Discover more about how mobile water treatment can help mining operations: #mobilewater #mobilewatertreatment #temporarywater