3. Reduced Carry Over: Low pressure boilers are more prone to carryover. The PRSreduces the boiler carry over by allowing us to generate the steam at high pressureand ensure the contaminants free steam reaches the process. Since carry overreduces the life of the valves, strainers, and pipes, so PRS also improves the life ofthe system indirectly.

PRS systems can have a positive environmental impact by reducing the amount of steam that is wasted. Steam that is wasted can contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

In comparison to IT, OT is the last bastion of on-premises computing. There are no technical or cybersecurity reasons why the cloud cannot be used to transform the operations of OT. The primary limitation is a cultural one.

Rich, real-time data allows for greater visibility and understanding of industrial environments, leading to better decision-making and increased operational efficiencies.

“Thermodyne Engineering Systems, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with enhancing Energy Efficiency, is a trusted name in Indian Boiler Industry. Thermodyne Boilers is one of the top 10 industrial steam boilers manufacturer, supplier & exporter in India.

One final benefit of embracing the cloud is increased cybersecurity and OT system availability. We know that cyberthreats to OT environments are increasing, and an incident within an OT environment (or in the case of Colonial Pipeline, within an IT environment) can affect the availability of business-critical OT systems and services.

Thermodyne Boilers is a renowned manufacturer of industrial boilers, including pressure reducing stations. They recognize the critical role of PRS systems in ensuring boiler safety, efficiency, and environmental compliance.


Predictive maintenance uses IoT telemetry to monitor physical assets in the field for signs of abnormal behaviour that may indicate the asset is about to fail. For example, in manufacturing, knowing when critically important production machinery is about to fail allows the asset to be fixed just before failure. This results in a decrease in unplanned downtime, increasing plant efficiency and maximising the output of operational systems.

PRS problems can be prevented by:Regularly inspecting and maintaining the PRS system.Using high-quality components.Installing the PRS system in a safe and secure location.

The future trends for PRS systems include:Increased use of electronic PRS systems.Development of PRS systems that are more energy efficient.Development of PRS systems that are more environmentally friendly.

An air gap consists of two networks, so there’s a gap between them consisting of air. The Australian Cyber Security Centre defines an air gap as “A network security measure employed on one or more computers to ensure the network is physically isolated from any other network. This makes the isolated network secure, as it doesn’t connect to unsecured networks like the public internet.”

How can we begin to move the needle on cultural change within OT to embrace the cloud? A risk-based approach, combined with a focus on delivering transformational business outcomes, is our best bet.

Air gaps make great sense from a cybersecurity perspective—data and threats cannot traverse from one network to another. An air-gapped network is akin to an island, safe, secure, and isolated from other networks that have lesser security and more significant threats. Hence air gaps are used in extreme risk or secretive environments such as nuclear power generation and highly classified defence systems.

A pressure reducing station is an indispensable component in industrial boiler systems, ensuring safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible steam utilization. By precisely regulating steam pressure, PRS systems protect boilers, enhance process control, and contribute to overall production efficiency and sustainability.

Securing an OT environment with cloud-enhanced cybersecurity systems reduces the likelihood of malicious activities taking place, further protecting the availability of key OT systems.

The greatest misconception these days is that critical infrastructure organisations still have an air gap. However, the overwhelming majority of industrial operational technology (OT) environments are indeed not air-gapped; they’re physically connected to IT and logically separated by a firewall. As these critical infrastructure organisations are undergoing their own digital transformations, they are increasingly reliant on data from the industrial OT environment in order to run their business systems in IT. In fact, IT and OT are now more connected than ever. An air gap does not support this business-critical connectivity.

It’s time for OT to move past any cultural inhibitors and use risk and business value as drivers for their cloud transformation.


Steam generation at high pressure helps you to reduce the initial investment cost since at high pressure the specific volumeof steam is lower than that at low pressure, which requires a small diameter pipe to carry the steam and reduces the cost associatedwith the pipe , which leads to a reduction in the initial investment cost. The high-pressure steam generation allowsrelatively less carryover and provides better-quality steam, as at low pressure, carryover is more likely to occur. Using a high-pressureboiler allows you to use the steam in different applications at different pressures by using the PRV. It also provides theflexibility for variable

The most common problems with PRS systems are:Clogged strainers: Clogged strainers can restrict the flow of steam and reduce the efficiency of the PRS system.Leaking valves: Leaking valves can waste steam and reduce the efficiency of the PRS system.Defective controllers: Defective controllers can cause the PRS system to operate incorrectly and reduce the efficiency of the PRS system.

There are two main types of PRS systems: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical PRS systems use a pressure regulator valve to reduce the pressure of steam. Electronic PRS systems use a controller to monitor the steam pressure and adjust the pressure regulator valve accordingly.

Businesses are striving for more agile operations, lower costs, and greater customer satisfaction, and the cloud has been integral in many IT businesses achieving this.

IoT sensors in the field generate a constant stream of data, which provides real-time visibility into industrial operations, whether that’s monitoring manufactured goods for defects or the voltage of electricity distribution networks.


Primary control system data has the ability to control or directly affect the OT environment and as a result, it is high risk. For example, in electricity distribution, it can be used to literally turn the power on or off, potentially resulting in life-or-death situations for both employees and critical care customers.

When it comes to risk, there are two key types of data within OT, each with its own risk profile. They are primary control system data and telemetry data from internet of things (IoT) devices in the field.

The data used by these next-generation security systems is primarily network and endpoint telemetry, also known as metadata, which is akin to IoT telemetry and is equally low-risk.


A pressure reducing system, achieved through a pressure reducing valve, helps to lower the inlet pressure to a desired and consistent outlet pressure. When the inlet pressure exceeds the desired outlet pressure, the valve opens to release the excess pressure. Conversely, when the inlet pressure drops below the desired outlet pressure, the valve closes partially or fully to restrict the flow and maintain the set pressure. This system ensures that downstream equipment or processes operate within safe and desired pressure ranges. The pressure reducing valve consists of a diaphragm or piston, a spring, and an adjustable setpoint to regulate the valve opening and pressure levels.

Air gapdishwasher

As the ransomware rendered the billing system inoperable, Colonial Pipeline took the unprecedented step of disabling the gas pipeline, which services the southeastern United States, resulting in the most materially significant cyberattack in United States history.

There is a big difference in the risk posed by each of these data sources, and as such, the data should be handled differently based on risk. Primary control system data will likely remain on-premises for the foreseeable future, while IoT telemetry is low-risk enough to be handled in the cloud. Indeed, the sheer volume of IoT data and the insights available through machine learning will necessitate the use of cloud computing.

A pressure reducing station (PRS) is a crucial component in industrial boiler systems, responsible for regulating and reducing steam pressure to a safe and usable level before it enters the boiler. This critical function ensures optimal boiler performance, safety, and efficiency.

A sudden increase in load reduces the boiler pressure and increases the carry over and moisture content in the steam.The PRV eliminates this and allows constant pressure to be maintained in the boiler. Furthermore, generating steam at high pressureis relatively cheaper than using the low-pressure boiler, so it reduces fuel consumption.Now we have a brief idea of what benefits PRS serves. Any porous plug or orifice valve which reduces the cross-section area across the flow,works as a pressure reducer, but during the fluctuating loading, the outlet pressure of the valve will also fluctuate, which is not desirable,so to eliminate the above issue, we use the PRV, which provides a constant pressure during the variable loading also.

A PRS system, or pressure reducing station, is a device that is used to reduce the pressure of steam from a boiler to a lower pressure that is required by the process equipment. PRS systems are typically made up of a pressure regulator valve, a strainer, and a pressure gauge.

The following safety precautions should be taken when working with PRS systems:Always wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with PRS systems.Never operate a PRS system that is leaking.Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when working with PRS systems.

There are many benefits to using a PRS system, including:Increased safety: PRS systems help to reduce the risk of steam burns and other accidents by reducing the pressure of steam.Improved efficiency: PRS systems can help to improve the efficiency of steam systems by reducing the amount of energy that is wasted.Reduced maintenance costs: PRS systems can help to reduce the maintenance costs of steam systems by reducing the wear and tear on equipment.

The cloud offers a massively scalable platform with efficiencies and capabilities that are difficult to match with in-house data centres. And OT is the literal heart of any industrial business. Why wouldn’t a company want to embrace the benefits of the cloud to extract maximum value from their most important business systems and data? There are untold benefits awaiting ….


Precautions During PRV Installation: It is also important for you to know whether theinstallation of PRV is appropriate or not. Since an improper location of PRV may cause youlosses and would not have any benefits. Some of the basic factors you should take intoconsideration are as follows:

We at THERMODYNE ENGINEERING SYSTEMS provide the most energy efficient steam energy solutions which are best suited to your process. Our team of experts is always at a phone call distance to help you make your process energy efficient and reduce the steam energy loss by optimising the operation. Contact Us to increase your boiler system efficiency and reduce the operating cost.

Have you ever thought about why a technical consultant suggests buyinga high-pressure boiler? It then reduces the pressure by using thepressure reduction valve (PRV) to the required level as per the processrequirement. In general observation, it seems like a costincreasing step since you need to buy an extra device (PressureReduction System) and other extra fittings to install in the steam line.But it is not so!

A PRS system is typically installed in the steam line between the boiler and the process equipment. The PRS system should be installed in a location that is accessible for maintenance and inspection.

The notion of having air-gapped computer systems from the primary corporate environment and the internet is antiquated, steeped more in fairy-tale romance than reality.

For example, if a steam process unit has three different operations in whichsteam is required at 5 kg/cm2 pressure, 6 kg/cm2, and 4 kg/cm2 with acapacity of 2 TPH, then in this case, instead of three different boilers, youcan choose a single boiler of 6 TPH capacity and pressure greater than 6kg/cm2.

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Ultimately embracing the benefits of cloud computing to drive the efficiency and availability of industrial operations has a flow-on effect on the customer through reducing costs and increasing responsiveness.



A PRS system should be inspected and maintained on a regular basis. The frequency of maintenance will depend on the type of PRS system and the operating conditions.

A pressure reducing valve is a regulating valve that maintains the steam pressure at theoutlet at a certain fixed, prescribed level that is lower than the inlet pressure. The PRVnot only reduces the pressure but also controls the flow by load fluctuationdynamically. Therefore, using the change of state of steam caused by adiabatic steam expansion, notonly the pressure changes but the temperature, specific volume, and latent heat also change.

Cloud-enhanced cybersecurity systems provide an immediate maturity uplift to best secure these critical operational environments. Should a threat actor gain access to OT, their actions cannot be predicted or controlled and are likely to result in unplanned outages and impact industrial business operations.

1. Quality improved of steam: Pressure reduction is the use of adiabatic steamexpansion. Since the latent heat of steam changes as pressure changes, drynessfraction increases.For example: if the saturated steam at pressure is 10 kg/cm2 with a 95% drynessfraction is reduced to 3 kg/cm2.Enthalpy of steam at inlet of PRS = 181.2 + 0.95*481.8 = 638.91 kcal/kgAnd the dryness fraction at the outlet,= (638.91-133.4)/516.9 = 0.977= 97.7%Now we can see a 2.7% increment in the dryness fraction. which simply means lesscondensate will form inside the pipe and more steam will reach the process.

Let’s take the case of the Colonial Pipeline ransomware incident. The Darkside cybercrime group infected the IT environment with ransomware, effectively locking key business systems, including the billing system. The billing system relies on data from Colonial Pipeline’s OT environment to measure gas usage and bill customers. This data exchange from OT into IT is key to the financial operation of the business. An air gap would break this business-critical communication and therefore is not feasible.

Alternatively, IoT telemetry is merely providing a real-time view into the operational environment from IoT sensors in the field and does not have control of the critical infrastructure. It is, therefore, a much lower risk. The IoT field-based sensors are collecting data about temperature, vibration, pressure or almost anything that can be measured to provide a real-time picture of how the physical world is operating. This data, when combined with the power of the cloud, will drive significant business outcomes that, to date, have not been realised.

The digital transformation that IT has realised through embracing the cloud is also waiting for OT. More efficient operations, better insights and decision-making, and higher availability of key industrial systems are just a few of the benefits.

Just as IT and OT have converged and can no longer be separated, so too has IT converged with the cloud. Remote working collaboration tools, cloud-based business management systems, and cloud data centres are the standard for IT in a post-pandemic world. In fact, for many modern organisations, the cloud is inseparable from IT. They have wholly merged.

However, cybersecurity doesn’t operate in a vacuum. It exists to empower an organisation’s digital transformation objectives while managing cyber risk. Cybersecurity controls are often inherently at odds with the useability of IT systems. The greater the cybersecurity controls, the less usable and business-friendly the outcome. Air gaps restrict communication, and hence, they do not meet business requirements for modern, dynamic, and flexible communications networks.